Mis en ligne le 2022-05-31
Anna Anna

Declutter your wardrobe

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Description - PershoPRESTATION

I think of personal shopping and image consulting as forms of art and of my role in it as an artist. It is very important to mix and match clothes in a way that will compliment my clients and will add to their confidence and good mood.

We can put any clothes on, however, do these clothes match our body types, does the color look good on us, is the style of clothes up to date?

How many of us actually have answers to those questions? We then look in the mirror and see that there might be something we would like to change although we don’t usually know how to. When you open your closet you just get lost in piles of clothes that most of the time don’t even match and then you think you have nothing to wear. “ I have nothing to wear” can be either related to the essential wardrobe you have never built, or to a special occasion case (events, summer in the office, beach, and so on).

I will help you to declutter your closet by coming directly to your place. We will go through all your clothes thoroughly and will get rid of the pieces that you haven't worn in a while, stopped liking, or which don't fit you anymore. We will also organize everything and see what clothes you are missing and what needs to be purchased in accordance with your body and color type. After this wardrobe clean you will not say that you have nothing to wear ever again.

Languages spoken: French, English, Russian
Instagram: @anitastepanova


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